There are certain types of plants, which not only look but also smell amazing. Their fragrance is so nice and strong that they’ve become well known for it. Every garden needs to have at least one of these plants in it. We at Fantastic Gardeners Melbourne collected in this article the most fragrant ones. As well as that, we included the main requirements for growing them and even a shortlist of companions, so that your garden looks and smells better than your neighbours’ one.
Fragrant flowers to grow:

Jasmine plants require a lot of effort. However, the results are well worth the work. The most common Jasmine plants produce a sweet, carrying fragrance, but there are some, which are unscented. If you’re looking for fragrant ones, try Jasminum floridum (Showy Jasmine).
Jasmine needs warm, sheltered location. All jasmine plants prefer sun to light shade sites with well-draining and moderately fertile soil. Also, they require a support structure because they tend to get pretty high. Some can get 15 feet tall. Protection from cold temperatures is the most important thing when growing Jasmine. The bush types are perfect for landscape specimens with starry pink, ivory and yellow scented blooms. Growing Jasmine can create a perfumed shield over arbours, trellises and fences.
Companion plants
Good for companion planting are corn, beans and squash. Clematis vines also grow well with Jasmine.

Peony is a plant that not only smells good, it is also outrageously beautiful, especially in bloom in springtime. Peony flowers are perennials. They come back every year and can even outlive you. Some have been known to thrive for 100 years. They require little maintenance once they’ve been planted properly and established themselves.
Peonies need to be planted in the fall and settled into place before the first hard frost. They prefer full sun. The best time to apply fertilizer is in early summer after this shrubby perennial plant has bloomed. Keep in mind, that you must not fertilize more than every few years. Peonies may require staking to keep its heavy blooms from dropping, but their lush, exuberant flowers are worth the extra work. They must not be planted too deep or they won’t bloom.
Companion plants
Alliums, Siberian Irises, Spring Bulbs and Roses are great companions for Peony.
Sweet Alyssum

One of the best scented-plants is the Sweet Alyssum. Its scent is as pretty as its name. It forms dense clusters of tiny, sweet-smelling flowers. Although it’s low to the ground, the intense smell floats through the air. It can give you the most fragrance in your garden for a minimum investment. The best part is that it’s easy to grow from inexpensive seed. As well as that, it reseeds itself.
Sweet alyssum looks great in containers, window boxes or cascading from hanging baskets. It also can be tucked into a rock garden as a flowering ground cover. Its seedlings can tolerate light frost. It likes full sun to partial afternoon shade. And it can be encouraged by mixing a balanced organic fertilizer into the soil before planting. This sweet-smelling plant is famous for attracting tiny wasps and other beneficial insects.
Companion Plants
Great companions for it are Lobelia, Heliotrope and Geranium.
Butterfly Bush

Butterfly bushes called also summer lilac is a little shrub in shades of white, purple or pink. This shrub can be a great addition to your lawn. However, you must take proper care of your lawn, in order to be worthy of this plant. Butterfly bush blooms all season long, withstands drought and attracts pollinators. However, when you grow invasive species like the butterfly bush, which produces only nectar you need to keep something in mind. You’re taking 75% away from the food available for the birds and butterflies in your yard. Therefore, Butterfly bushes are now available in dwarf varieties, which are not invasive and won’t overtake your garden.
Butterfly bushes need well-drained soil. They grow and flower best in full sun, but also grow fine in part shade. However, their flowering may be reduced. They need 5 to 10 feet apart depending on the variety. Dwarf varieties you can plant closer together.
Companion Plants
Heliotrope, Lantanas and Aster are the best companions for the Butterfly bush.

Phlox are another type of perennial plants, which are a favourite choice among wildflowers. Their amazing smell along with their beautiful star-shaped, colourful flowers are what make them so great. There are many varieties, so you can find a type of phlox, which is perfect for your garden. Pink, white, salmon, purples, red and bi-colours are some of the many shades in which phlox come.
The first thing you need to know about planting phlox is that it is easier to plant them from cuttings, rather than seeds. In the spring, you need to put a thin layer of compost. Also, a 2-inch layer of mulch around them to keep the soil moist. Many types of phlox self-seed, so they’ll come back on their own next year. Most prefer full sun, but they can also survive some shade in hotter climates. Remember to remove dead flowers, so your plants can rebloom.
Companion Plants
Some of the best companions for phlox are Echinacea, Sedum, Salvia and Gaillardia.
Angel’s Trumpet

Angel’s trumpet is a beautiful plant with hanging trumpet-shaped flowers. It is a delight for every garden. It can also be used as a container plant and brought inside when cool. It grows best under eaves, against walls and over fences. Contrary to the idea that you might get from its name you must be careful with it because it’s very poisonous.
Angel’s trumpet grows in spurts. It forms a thick blanket of beautiful blooms, sometimes even several times a year. It grows best in acidic soil. It is not drought resistant. Actually, it’s a very thirsty plant. Needs to be watered well and often. It should be fertilized at least once a week and you must not use slow-release fertilizers. Best use a water-soluble fertilizer. Large plants can be fertilized 2-3 times a week. In cooler zones, full sun is fine, but in warmer zones, find a place where it will receive shade in the afternoon.
Companion Plants
Best companion plant suggestions are Cat Palm, Tibouchina and Heliconia.

The fragrance of the Honeysuckle is so lovely that it is recognizable by almost everyone. The plant is also known for the sweet taste of its nectar. With its beautiful yellow to bright-red blossom, the Honeysuckle plant is a great addition to any landscape. There are over 180 different types of honeysuckle. Some of them are deciduous. In warmer regions, there are some, which are evergreen.
Honeysuckle can be planted in early spring. The planting area must be prepared as for any other perennials. Once established, the plants need only moderate watering unless the summer is very dry. Honeysuckle will be satisfied with a light annual application of a balanced fertilizer once at the beginning of the growing season and once more in the middle of the blooming season. Mulch must be added to protect the roots from freezing, as well as to conserve moisture in the summer. The plant usually prefers full sun but will tolerate also partial sun and even some light shade.
Companion Plants
Clematis, in general, are great companions for honeysuckle. And so are some other types of perennials such as peonies, coneflowers and bee balm.

Plumeria, also known as Frangipani and Lei flowers are flowering plants or small trees often associated with Hawaii and other tropical islands. They are used in making traditional Hawaiian leis. They bloom freely from spring till fall in many colours, such as yellow, pink, white and red. Plumeria is highly fragrant. One of the most sweetly scented varies is Plumeria Rubra. Plumeria is also an excellent pool or spa-side plant.
Plumeria plants need to be growing in well-draining soil, which is slightly acidic. They need to be fertilized every 2-3 weeks throughout their active growing season. Plumerias don’t like wet feet, they should be watered deeply when irrigated and after that allowed to dry before watering again. Watering must be reduced in mid-fall and stopped completely once they enter dormancy in winter. Resume regular watering as new growth appears in spring. Plumerias need at least 6 hours of full sun. They may be tolerant of both salt and windy conditions, but they’re not tolerant of cold. Plumerias need to be pruned in late winter or early spring, but any drastic or hard pruning may reduce flowering.
Companion Plants
Lupinus texensis, Yellow Petunias, Calendula and Laurentia are the best companions for Plumerias.

Dianthus is often called “pinks” due to the fringed flower petals, which appear to have been cut with pinking shears. It is also called Sweet William and has a fragrance with cinnamon or clove notes. Other types have a spicy or vanilla-like scent. Salmon, pink, white and red are the colours, in which it can be found.
Dianthus needs a fertile, well-drained soil, which is alkaline. It needs to be planted after the danger of frost has passed. Also, it needs to be watered only at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry and prevent mildew spots. Water the plants only when dry and apply fertilizer every six to eight weeks. They like full sun, so you need to plant them in a place where they will receive at least 6 hours of sun. Deadheading is extremely important for the self-sowing varieties so you can reduce volunteer plants and encourage additional blooming. It’s highly important not to include the deadheads in your compost, or your garden will be soon overtaken by the Dianthus. Add the deadheads to your other green waste and dispose of it properly. On the other hand, perennial varieties are short-lived and need to be propagated by division, tip cuttings or even layering. Different companions are appropriate for the different varieties of dianthus.
Companion Plants
Lavender, Verbena and Lilac are one of the most common ones.

When we’re talking about the best smelling plants, of course, it’s impossible not to mention the roses. Although everyone knows about their legendary scents it would be a crime not to give them their deserved place in this article. After all, a garden without roses is not a garden at all! Roses are not so fussy as they are believed to be. There are new varieties, which are highly selected for insect and disease resistance. Also, there are some types that are not scented and are bred for form, so be careful when choosing a plant.
Roses love water. Diligently water them. Soak the entire root zone at least twice a week in dry summer weather. The ideal soil for roses is rich and loose, with good drainage. One of the worst mistakes you can make is not to provide adequate drainage. Roses love water but don’t drown them. Use mulch to help conserve water and encourage healthy growth. About an inch of space must be left between the mulch and the base stem of the plant. Feed your roses on a regular basis before and during the blooming cycle. They can also benefit from pruning during the winter months. Roses also love the sun. Roses must be planted in a place, where they will receive a minimum 5-6 hours of full sun per day. Otherwise, they won’t die at once, but they will weaken gradually. Herbs are wonderful rose companions. Parsley and Thyme may help to keep Japanese beetles away.
Companion Plants
Lavender and catmint are good at keeping rabbits away. Other aromatic plants also make wonderful companions.
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